Saturday, September 1, 2012

First Post of Dede's Day

This is the "Bell Tower"
Today is September 1, 2012. Still not believing that it is already September.  Our summer if that is what you want to call it has been terrible.  Nothing but rain every day and I do mean every day.  We may have had a week that we haven't had rain.  "Debbie" brought the floods and it has been nothing but rain and huge mosquito's since.

The Steel Magnolia's Healing Arts Festival at the Stephan Foster Folk Culture Center was today and it was a gorgeous day!  For years we have been wanting to go and have just "never had time" or whatever excuse for not going was handy at the time.  I can't believe the things to do there. Everything is handmade by the person tending the booth, park rules and not expensive at all.  In fact I know where I am going to buy a few Christmas gifts or any other occasion that I may need a special gift.

You can actually do the craft, like the weaving which I thought was totally awesome.  Watching this woman at the loom, she had some kind of rhythm working the yarn and the foot pedals along with the arm to compress it all together. Talk about beautiful items made on this loom, just fabulous.  The colors and textures are so appealing to the eye.  And the price for a scarf? Twelve dollars!

The pottery was terrific too! I have always had a thing about handmade pottery, it has always had a place in my heart.  You can also do this too for a fee of $5, five dollars what can you do any where for five dollars? So in a couple of weeks we will be returning there and I will spend my five dollars to create something wonderful. Or at least I will think it is wonderful.

When we returned home we sat and had our lunch together then he had his chores to do like work on the brakes on the RV and of course I had my chores to get done like giving the dogs a bath.  It was to nice of a day not to get that chore done outside.  They are much to large to be doing in the house.  Neither were happy but they do look and smell so much better and they will be happy with a treat.

Now that dinner is finished and the kitchen cleaned, the boys are going to go bowl a few games. Now for a little peace and quiet. Bailey and I can sit together on the couch while I blog. She isn't upset about her bath any more.

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Thank you for sharing your day with me, I truly do enjoy your company....