Friday, September 14, 2012

A Busy Week And Going To Be A Busy Weekend

Her Pajama Bottoms

Today is Friday, September 14, 2012.  It has been such a wet and I do mean wet summer that I can't wait for it to be over.  However, yesterday was gorgeous, Fall is in the air.  We opened up the house and enjoyed the fresh, cool, dry air. Oh how the house needed to be opened up and aired out.  I am going to be loving this Fall.  We even fired up the grill and enjoyed smoked ribs.

This week has been busy and I have loved every minute of it.  Felt so productive.  Monday cleaned the house from top to bottom including young sons room.  While cleaning the house I decided to use the left over ham in the frig and make some bean and ham soup for lunch the rest of the week along with some homemade biscuits. Yummy, haven't made soup in what seems like forever.  The crock pot burned out a couple of months back and I guess that's what ended the soups and roasts slow cooking. 

Then Tuesday did all of the laundry before the afternoon storms rolled in.  And then to start sewing! Yes! I was able to finish up her pajama bottoms, which we have to call lounge pants, because of fire, rolling eyes at the craziness of the laws. Then I started doing the appliques.  

This was something that I have wanted to do just wasn't sure how to do it.  When Granny came over last week she showed me how to do them and goodness, it is so much fun.  There is just so much you can do with them. So I made him a pair of shorts with a little monkey and her a little jean dress that I used an old jean skirt. These kept me pretty busy, but in a very good way.
One Side of Her Dress

This is the other side

These are the shorts for him.

Then on Wednesday grabbed up all of the bedding and headed for the washer then to the lines.  YES! Was able to get all of it dry again before the rains. Then made some banana bread, the guys love it. Thursday was awesome! Hubby was off he worked in the yard most all of the day and then smoked the ribs.  He really does great with the smoked ribs. 

So today, well it is going to be a normal Friday, groceries, pick up chlorine, go to the produce stand and whatever else has to be picked up.  But this is my life and I wouldn't change a thing......

Remember yesterday, dream about tomorrow, but live today.

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Thank you for sharing your day with me, I truly do enjoy your company....